Friday, 4 March 2016


After 2 months travelling, It's been quite nice to be in the same place for more than 3 days! I've been sleeping in my cousin Andy's living room for the past week. It's given me some time to relax and not have to think about what I'm doing tomorrow constantly. I've been able to sleep in without getting woken up and not have to be out of the kitchen for cleaning. I used this as an opportunity to sort out a few things for university as I have reliable internet and a laptop available.
I've been able to take a much more leisurely approach to seeing Wellington. It's a small city with a population of 380,000 but after spending 2 months on the South Island where the population of the whole island is just 1 million it seems pretty big! There are so many beautiful butterfly's flying around.
I spent quite alot of time walking around the city, aimlessly wandering which I quite enjoyed. Being the capital, New Zealand's national museum Te Papa is here. It's quite big and I spent 4 hours or so looking around it and still didn't see everything. They have the only complete Colossal Squid in the world on display and it is quite colossal.
Wellington is a city with a fair amount of hills. So however nice, walking around is quite tiring. I went up to the botanical gardens which were beautiful.
I also hung out with Andy which was nice as we don't see each other often. I coincidentally am here the same time as the Wellington Fringe Festival so we went to the theatre to watch a show called "perhaps, perhaps... quizas" by Gabriela Muñoz which was fantastic and I'd recommend it to anyone. It was about a woman's attempt to find a husband and despite her bad luck wouldn't give up. She spent the whole show dressed as a bride and through audience participation found a husband in cousin Andy (I narrowly escaped, phew!). He played along but was understandably fairly embarrassed by the whole affair.
On my last night I got a call from Zak (from Takaka) who's now at uni with Wellington. I went out with him and his uni friends. It was so busy! I wasn't quite expecting it. But was great fun however tired I was in the morning.

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